The ideal researcher's set for home
It is always nice to see how children learn new things and have a lot of fun doing so. The experimental set FLOW basic lets the little researchers approach scientific and technological principles in a playful manner.
In doing so, it fulfils 3 wishes at once:
creative building fun, experimenting in a way suitable for children and, of course, hours and hours of playing fun indoors and outdoors.
How to construct a mill? In which directions are the wheels turning? Why at times they turn slower, at other times faster? And what happens if I mount the wheel on the other side? These are just a few examples for the many possibilities offered by the plasticant mobilo® set FLOW basic. This construction set for kids from 4 to 8 years of age can even be used in water.
The detailed construction manual makes it easy to start. In addition, there are 9 construction suggestions that also encourage to try out own ideas. Practical: the robust container is also a wonderful water or sand bucket.
FLOW basic:
ideal set to experiment at home:
constructing & experimenting with sand!
Tested quality made in Germany