This tube is filled with glittery material suspended in an oil liquid. The glitter takes up to five minutes to settle, depending on the ambient temperature. The warmer it is, the faster the glitter will move and settle. The liquid motion is mesmerising to watch as it swirls and floats around the tube. The glitter inside the tube picks up the light and sparkles as it moves. The Glitter Tube can be activated by turning the tube upside down or by slight shaking.
The Glitter Tube can be used:
* As a simple timing device during activities. A fun way to distract from the actual activity and set a time limit on completing that activity.
* As a meditation tool to use whenever a child feels stressed, overwhelmed or upset. e.g. Explain to the child “Like the glitter when the tube is shaken, our minds can become very busy, our thoughts swirling around too quickly and this sometimes means we can’t think clearly. However, if we settle down, just be quiet and still for a bit then, like the glitter in the tube, our minds will start to settle down and be calmer too.” Then, encourage the child to sit quietly and watch the tube until the glitter has stopped swirling and has settled at the bottom again.
Height: 15cm